\[ \newcommand{\argmin}{\operatorname{argmin}} \newcommand{\sign}{\operatorname{sign}} \newcommand{\diag}[1]{\operatorname{diag}(#1)} \newcommand{\prox}[2]{\operatorname{prox}_{#1}(#2)} \]

1 Horseshoe Plus

The horseshoe+ prior, as a scale mixture of normals, is given by \[ \begin{align*} (\theta_j | \lambda_j, \tau) &\sim \operatorname{N}(0, \lambda_j^2) \\ \lambda_j &\sim \operatorname{C}^+(0,\eta_j \tau) \\ \eta_j &\sim \operatorname{C}^+(0,1) \end{align*} \] The original horseshoe is \[ \begin{align*} (\theta_j | \lambda_j, \tau) &\sim \operatorname{N}(0, \lambda_j^2) \\ \lambda_j &\sim \operatorname{C}^+(0,\tau) \end{align*} \]

2 Simulations

In the following simulations we generate data according to \[ \begin{align*} y_k &\sim \operatorname{N}\left(\theta, \bf{I}\right) \end{align*} \] and we consider the following two \(\tau\) priors: \[ \begin{align*} \tau &\sim \operatorname{Unif}[0,1] \\ \tau &\sim \operatorname{C}^+(0,1/J) \end{align*} \]

theta.true = rep(0, J)
theta.true[sample.int(J, Qn)] = A

We construct a signal with 10 non-zero components of magnitude 7 and dimension \(J=200\).

We generate the data with the following:

test.data = list('J'=J, 'y'=rnorm(J,theta.true,1))

2.1 Estimation

First, we load the necessary R packages:


The horseshoe+ is implemented in Stan with the following

stan.hsplus.unif.code = "
  data {
    int<lower=1> J; 
    vector[J] y; 
  parameters {
    vector[J] theta_step; 
    vector[J] lambda_step; 
    vector[J] eta;
    real tau;
  transformed parameters {
    vector[J] theta; 
    vector[J] lambda; 
    lambda <- (lambda_step .* eta) * tau;
    theta <- ((theta_step .* lambda_step) .* eta) * tau;
  model {
    tau ~ uniform(0, 1);
    eta ~ cauchy(0, 1);
    lambda_step ~ cauchy(0, 1);
    theta_step ~ normal(0, 1);
    y ~ normal(theta, 1);
stan.hsplus.cauchy.code = "
  data {
    int<lower=1> J; 
    vector[J] y; 
  parameters {
    vector[J] theta_step; 
    vector[J] lambda_step; 
    vector[J] eta;
    real tau;
  transformed parameters {
    vector[J] theta; 
    vector[J] lambda; 
    lambda <- (lambda_step .* eta) * tau;
    theta <- ((theta_step .* lambda_step) .* eta) * tau;
  model {
    tau ~ cauchy(0, 1.0/J);
    eta ~ cauchy(0, 1);
    lambda_step ~ cauchy(0, 1);
    theta_step ~ normal(0, 1);
    y ~ normal(theta, 1);

and the regular horseshoe:

stan.hs.unif.code = "
  data {
    int<lower=1> J; 
    vector[J] y; 
  parameters {
    vector[J] theta_step; 
    vector[J] lambda_step; 
    real tau;
  transformed parameters {
    vector[J] theta; 
    vector[J] lambda; 
    lambda <- lambda_step * tau;
    theta <- (theta_step .* lambda_step) * tau;
  model {
    tau ~ uniform(0, 1);
    lambda_step ~ cauchy(0, 1);
    theta_step ~ normal(0, 1);
    y ~ normal(theta, 1);
stan.hs.cauchy.code = "
  data {
    int<lower=1> J; 
    vector[J] y; 
  parameters {
    vector[J] theta_step; 
    vector[J] lambda_step; 
    real tau;
  transformed parameters {
    vector[J] theta; 
    vector[J] lambda; 
    lambda <- lambda_step * tau;
    theta <- (theta_step .* lambda_step) * tau;
  model {
    tau ~ cauchy(0, 1.0/J);
    lambda_step ~ cauchy(0, 1);
    theta_step ~ normal(0, 1);
    y ~ normal(theta, 1);

For comparison, we include the DL prior from Section 2.4 of 1:

stan.dl.gamma.code = '
  data {
    int<lower=1> J; 
    real<lower=0> A; 
    vector[J] y; 
  transformed data {
    vector<lower=0>[J] Avec;
    real<lower=0> JA;
    Avec <- rep_vector(A, J);
    JA <- J * A; 
  parameters {
    vector[J] theta_step; 
    simplex[J] phi; 
    vector<lower=0>[J] psi;
    real<lower=0> tau;
  transformed parameters {
    vector[J] theta; 
    for (j in 1:J) {
      theta[j] <- ((theta_step[j] .* sqrt(psi[j])) .* phi[j]) * tau; 
  model {
    tau ~ gamma(JA, 0.5);
    psi ~ exponential(0.5);
    phi ~ dirichlet(Avec);
    theta_step ~ normal(0, 1); 
    y ~ normal(theta, 1);

It’s necessary to compile the code in Stan (we use Clang):

stan.hsplus.cauchy.fit = stan_model(model_code=stan.hsplus.cauchy.code, 
                                    model_name="hs+ cauchy")
stan.hsplus.unif.fit = stan_model(model_code=stan.hsplus.unif.code, 
                                  model_name="hs+ unif")
stan.hs.cauchy.fit = stan_model(model_code=stan.hs.cauchy.code, 
                                model_name="hs cauchy")
stan.hs.unif.fit = stan_model(model_code=stan.hs.unif.code, 
                              model_name="hs unif")
stan.dl.gamma.fit = stan_model(model_code=stan.dl.gamma.code, model_name="dl gamma")
n.iters = 1000
n.chains = 3

Stan is run with 3 chains of 1000 iterations each.

2.2 Horseshoe+ Results

2.2.1 Cauchy \(\tau\)

smpls.hsplus.res.cauchy = sampling(stan.hsplus.cauchy.fit, 
                            data = test.data, 
                            iter = n.iters,
                            pars = c("theta", "lambda", "eta", "tau"),
                            #init = 0,
                            #seed = rng.seed, 
                            chains = n.chains)
theta.smpls.hsplus.cauchy = extract(smpls.hsplus.res.cauchy, pars=c("theta"), permuted=TRUE)[[1]]
med.theta.hsplus.cauchy = apply(theta.smpls.hsplus.cauchy, 2, median)

hsplus.sample.data.cauchy = melt(extract(smpls.hsplus.res.cauchy, permuted=TRUE))
colnames(hsplus.sample.data.cauchy) = c("iteration", "component", "value", "variable")

The following produces plots for each estimated variable:

hsplus.theta.sample.data.cauchy = hsplus.sample.data.cauchy %>%
  filter(variable %in% c("theta", "lambda")) %>%
  mutate(variable = as.factor(ifelse(variable == "lambda", "kappa", variable)),
         value = ifelse(variable == "kappa", 1/(1+abs(value)), value))

hsplus.theta.sample.data.cauchy.2 = hsplus.theta.sample.data.cauchy %>% 
group_by(component, variable) %>%
summarise(upper = quantile(value, prob=0.95), 
       lower = quantile(value, prob=0.05),
       middle = mean(value))

hsplus.theta.kappa.cauchy.plot = ggplot(hsplus.theta.sample.data.cauchy.2, 
       aes(x=component, y=middle, group=component)) + theme_bw() +
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), size=0.3) + 
facet_grid(variable ~ ., scales="free_y") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#D55E00","#0072B2")) +
xlab("") + ylab("")

HS+ Cauchy prior

ggplot(hsplus.sample.data.cauchy %>% filter(variable == "eta") %>% 
       mutate(value = abs(value)), 
       aes(x=component, y=value, group=component)) + 
geom_boxplot(outlier.size=0.5, outlier.colour="grey") + 
scale_y_log10() +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), size=0.5, linetype="dashed") + 
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), size=0.5, linetype="dashed") + 
xlab(expression(eta[i])) + ylab("")

HS+ Cauchy prior

The median \(\theta\) value for the horseshoe+ fit has an SSE of 23.9152969919731.

hsplus.hist.plot.subset.cauchy = hsplus.sample.data.cauchy %>% 
  filter(variable == "tau") %>% 
  mutate(value = abs(value))
hsplus.hist.breaks.cauchy = hist(hsplus.hist.plot.subset.cauchy$value, 
                              plot=FALSE, breaks="FD")$breaks
ggplot(hsplus.hist.plot.subset.cauchy, aes(x=value)) + 
geom_histogram(breaks = hsplus.hist.breaks.cauchy) + xlab(expression(tau)) 

HS+ Cauchy prior

2.2.2 Uniform \(\tau\)

smpls.hsplus.res.unif = sampling(stan.hsplus.unif.fit, 
                            data = test.data, 
                            iter = n.iters,
                            pars = c("theta", "lambda", "eta", "tau"),
                            #init = 0,
                            #seed = rng.seed, 
                            chains = n.chains)
theta.smpls.hsplus.unif = extract(smpls.hsplus.res.unif, pars=c("theta"), permuted=TRUE)[[1]]
med.theta.hsplus.unif = apply(theta.smpls.hsplus.unif, 2, median)

hsplus.sample.data.unif = melt(extract(smpls.hsplus.res.unif, permuted=TRUE))
colnames(hsplus.sample.data.unif) = c("iteration", "component", "value", "variable")

The following produces plots for each estimated variable:

hsplus.theta.sample.data.unif = hsplus.sample.data.unif %>%
  filter(variable %in% c("theta", "lambda")) %>%
  mutate(variable = as.factor(ifelse(variable == "lambda", "kappa", variable)),
         value = ifelse(variable == "kappa", 1/(1+abs(value)), value))

hsplus.theta.sample.data.unif.2 = hsplus.theta.sample.data.unif %>% 
group_by(component, variable) %>%
summarise(upper = quantile(value, prob=0.95), 
       lower = quantile(value, prob=0.05),
       middle = mean(value))

hsplus.theta.kappa.plot = ggplot(hsplus.theta.sample.data.unif.2, 
       aes(x=component, y=middle, group=component)) + theme_bw() +
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), size=0.3) + 
facet_grid(variable ~ ., scales="free_y") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#D55E00","#0072B2")) +
xlab("") + ylab("")

HS+ Uniform prior

ggplot(hsplus.sample.data.unif %>% 
       filter(variable == "eta") %>% 
       mutate(value = abs(value)), 
       aes(x=component, y=value, group=component)) + 
geom_boxplot(outlier.size=0.5, outlier.colour="grey") + scale_y_log10() +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), size=0.5, linetype="dashed") + 
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), size=0.5, linetype="dashed") + 
xlab(expression(eta[i])) + ylab("")

HS+ Uniform prior

The median \(\theta\) value for the horseshoe+ estimates has an SSE of 23.9264802839268.

hsplus.hist.plot.subset.unif = hsplus.sample.data.unif %>% 
   filter(variable == "tau") %>% 
   mutate(value = abs(value))

hsplus.hist.breaks.unif = hist(hsplus.hist.plot.subset.unif$value, 
                              plot=FALSE, breaks="FD")$breaks
ggplot(hsplus.hist.plot.subset.unif, aes(x=value)) + 
geom_histogram(breaks = hsplus.hist.breaks.unif) + xlab(expression(tau)) 

HS+ Uniform prior

2.3 Horseshoe Results

2.3.1 Cauchy \(\tau\)

smpls.hs.res.cauchy = sampling(stan.hs.cauchy.fit, 
                            data = test.data, 
                            iter = n.iters,
                            pars = c("theta", "lambda", "tau"),
                            #init = 0,
                            #seed = rng.seed, 
                            chains = n.chains)
theta.smpls.hs.cauchy = extract(smpls.hs.res.cauchy, pars=c("theta"), permuted=TRUE)[[1]]
med.theta.hs.cauchy = apply(theta.smpls.hs.cauchy, 2, median)

hs.sample.data.cauchy = melt(extract(smpls.hs.res.cauchy, permuted=TRUE))
colnames(hs.sample.data.cauchy) = c("iteration", "component", "value", "variable")

The following produces plots for each estimated variable:

hs.theta.sample.data.cauchy = hs.sample.data.cauchy %>%
  filter(variable %in% c("theta", "lambda")) %>%
  mutate(variable = as.factor(ifelse(variable == "lambda", "kappa", variable)),
         value = ifelse(variable == "kappa", 1/(1+abs(value)), value))

hs.theta.sample.data.cauchy.2 = hs.theta.sample.data.cauchy %>% 
group_by(component, variable) %>%
summarise(upper = quantile(value, prob=0.95), 
       lower = quantile(value, prob=0.05),
       middle = mean(value))

hs.theta.kappa.cauchy.plot = ggplot(hs.theta.sample.data.cauchy.2, 
       aes(x=component, y=middle, group=component)) + theme_bw() +   
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), size=0.3) + 
facet_grid(variable ~ ., scales="free_y") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#D55E00","#0072B2")) +
xlab("") + ylab("")

HS Cauchy prior

The median \(\theta\) value for the horseshoe estimates has an SSE of 23.0325396977138.

hs.hist.plot.subset.cauchy = hs.sample.data.cauchy %>% 
   filter(variable == "tau") %>% 
   mutate(value = abs(value))   

hs.hist.breaks.cauchy = hist(hs.hist.plot.subset.cauchy$value, 
                              plot=FALSE, breaks="FD")$breaks
ggplot(hs.hist.plot.subset.cauchy, aes(x=value)) + 
geom_histogram(breaks = hs.hist.breaks.cauchy) + xlab(expression(tau)) 

HS Cauchy prior

2.3.2 Uniform \(\tau\)

smpls.hs.res.unif = sampling(stan.hs.unif.fit, 
                        data = test.data, 
                        iter = n.iters,
                        pars = c("theta", "lambda", "tau"),
                        #init = 0,
                        #seed = rng.seed, 
                        chains = n.chains)
theta.smpls.hs.unif = extract(smpls.hs.res.unif, pars=c("theta"), permuted=TRUE)[[1]]
med.theta.hs.unif = apply(theta.smpls.hs.unif, 2, median)

hs.sample.data.unif = melt(extract(smpls.hs.res.unif, permuted=TRUE))
colnames(hs.sample.data.unif) = c("iteration", "component", "value", "variable")
hs.theta.sample.data.unif = hs.sample.data.unif %>%
  filter(variable %in% c("theta", "lambda")) %>%
  mutate(variable = as.factor(ifelse(variable == "lambda", "kappa", variable)),
         value = ifelse(variable == "kappa", 1/(1+abs(value)), value))

hs.theta.sample.data.unif.2 = hs.theta.sample.data.unif %>% 
group_by(component, variable) %>%
summarise(upper = quantile(value, prob=0.95), 
       lower = quantile(value, prob=0.05),
       middle = mean(value))

hs.theta.kappa.unif.plot = ggplot(hs.theta.sample.data.unif.2, 
       aes(x=component, y=middle, group=component)) + theme_bw() +   
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), size=0.3) + 
facet_grid(variable ~ ., scales="free_y") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#D55E00","#0072B2")) +
xlab("") + ylab("")

HS Uniform prior

The median \(\theta\) value for the horseshoe estimates has an SSE of 23.8932365735653.

hs.hist.plot.subset.unif = hs.sample.data.unif %>% 
   filter(variable == "tau") %>% 
   mutate(value = abs(value)) 
hs.hist.breaks.unif = hist(hs.hist.plot.subset.unif$value, 
                              plot=FALSE, breaks="FD")$breaks
ggplot(hs.hist.plot.subset.unif, aes(x=value)) + 
geom_histogram(breaks = hs.hist.breaks.unif) + xlab(expression(tau))

HS Uniform prior

2.4 DL Results

#dl.n.iters = 10000
dl.test.data = test.data
dl.test.data$A = 1/J
smpls.dl.res.gamma = sampling(stan.dl.gamma.fit, 
                        data = dl.test.data, 
                        iter = n.iters, #dl.n.iters,
                        pars = c("theta", "psi", "phi", "tau"),
                        #init = 0,
                        #seed = rng.seed, 
                        chains = n.chains)
theta.smpls.dl.gamma = extract(smpls.dl.res.gamma, pars=c("theta"), permuted=TRUE)[[1]]
med.theta.dl.gamma = apply(theta.smpls.dl.gamma, 2, median)

dl.sample.data.gamma = melt(extract(smpls.dl.res.gamma, permuted=TRUE))
colnames(dl.sample.data.gamma) = c("iteration", "component", "value", "variable")
dl.theta.sample.data.gamma = dl.sample.data.gamma %>%
  filter(variable %in% c("theta", "psi", "phi")) 

       aes(x=component, y=value, group=component)) + 
geom_boxplot(outlier.size=0.5, outlier.colour="grey") + 
facet_grid(variable ~ ., scales="free_y") +
           size=1) + 
           size=1) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#D55E00","#0072B2")) +
xlab("i") + ylab("")

Dirichlet-Laplace prior

The median \(\theta\) value for the DL prior estimates has an SSE of 21.9216130035049.

dl.hist.plot.subset.gamma = subset(dl.sample.data.gamma, variable %in% "tau")
dl.hist.breaks.gamma = hist(dl.hist.plot.subset.gamma$value, 
                              plot=FALSE, breaks="FD")$breaks
ggplot(dl.hist.plot.subset.gamma, aes(x=value)) + 
geom_histogram(breaks = dl.hist.breaks.gamma) + xlab(expression(tau))

Dirichlet-Laplace prior

3 Replicated Simulations

We now proceed to replicate simulations over an array of similar problems:

Ns = c(100, 200) 
q.dns = c(.01,.05,.1,.2,.3)
As = c(7,8)
rep.reps = 100
rep.iters = 5000
dl.rep.iters = 6000
rep.grid = expand.grid(N=Ns, q.dn=q.dns, A=As)
rep.ex.data = alply(rep.grid, 1,
                    function(d) {
                      qq = ceiling(d$N * d$q.dn)
                      theta.true = rep(0, d$N)
                      theta.true[sample.int(d$N, qq)] = d$A
                      J = d$N
                                            'data'=list('J'=J, 'A'=1/J,  
                                                        'y'=rnorm(J, theta.true, 1))
                                       , simplify=FALSE))

compute.replications = function(model, data, 
                                rep.iters = 10000, n.chains = 1) {
  rep.results = ldply(data,
                      function(d) { 
                        mcmc.reps.res = ldply(d,
                                         function(dd) {
                                           smpls.res = sampling(model, 
                                                                data = dd$data, 
                                                                iter = rep.iters,
                                                                pars = c("theta"),
                                                                #init = 0,
                                                                chains = n.chains)
                                           n.eff = summary(smpls.res)$summary[,"n_eff"]
                                           smpls = extract(smpls.res, pars=c("theta"), 
                                           med.theta = apply(smpls, 2, median)
                                           med.err.vals = dd$theta.true - med.theta
                                           SSE.median = crossprod(med.err.vals)
                                           mean.theta = apply(smpls, 2, median)
                                           mean.err.vals = dd$theta.true - mean.theta
                                           SSE.mean = crossprod(mean.err.vals)
                                         }, .parallel=TRUE)
                        SSE.mean.ci = quantile(mcmc.reps.res$SSE.mean, 
                                          probs=c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
                        SSE.median.ci = quantile(mcmc.reps.res$SSE.median, 
                                                 probs=c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
                        res = data.frame("A"=d[[1]]$A, "n"=d[[1]]$n, "q"=d[[1]]$q,

resulting in the following subproblems, each replicated 100 times:

##      N q.dn A
## 1  100 0.01 7
## 2  200 0.01 7
## 3  100 0.05 7
## 4  200 0.05 7
## 5  100 0.10 7
## 6  200 0.10 7
## 7  100 0.20 7
## 8  200 0.20 7
## 9  100 0.30 7
## 10 200 0.30 7
## 11 100 0.01 8
## 12 200 0.01 8
## 13 100 0.05 8
## 14 200 0.05 8
## 15 100 0.10 8
## 16 200 0.10 8
## 17 100 0.20 8
## 18 200 0.20 8
## 19 100 0.30 8
## 20 200 0.30 8

We estimate each problem with Stan in parallel and some setup is required:


3.1 Priors

3.1.1 Uniform \(\tau\)

reps.hsplus.unif.time = system.time({
  theta.ss.hsplus.unif = compute.replications(stan.hsplus.unif.fit, rep.ex.data, rep.iters=rep.iters)
save(theta.ss.hsplus.unif, file=paste0("theta-ss-hsplus-unif-", rep.iters, ".RData"))
reps.hs.unif.time = system.time({
  theta.ss.hs.unif = compute.replications(stan.hs.unif.fit, rep.ex.data, rep.iters=rep.iters)
save(theta.ss.hs.unif, file=paste0("theta-ss-hs-unif-", rep.iters, ".RData"))
rep.hs.unif.mse.data = rbind(cbind(prior="hs+ unif", theta.ss.hsplus.unif), 
                             cbind(prior="hs unif", theta.ss.hs.unif))
rep.hs.unif.mse.data = transform(rep.hs.unif.mse.data, 
                                 N=as.factor(N), q.pct=as.factor(q.dn), 
                                 A=as.factor(A), prior=as.factor(prior)) 

3.1.2 Cauchy \(\tau\)

reps.hsplus.cauchy.time = system.time({
  theta.ss.hsplus.cauchy = compute.replications(stan.hsplus.cauchy.fit, rep.ex.data, rep.iters=rep.iters)
save(theta.ss.hsplus.cauchy, file=paste0("theta-ss-hsplus-cauchy-", rep.iters, ".RData"))
reps.hs.cauchy.time = system.time({
  theta.ss.hs.cauchy = compute.replications(stan.hs.cauchy.fit, rep.ex.data, rep.iters=rep.iters)
save(theta.ss.hs.cauchy, file=paste0("theta-ss-hs-cauchy-", rep.iters, ".RData"))
rep.hs.cauchy.mse.data = rbind(cbind(prior="hs+ cauchy", theta.ss.hsplus.cauchy), 
                               cbind(prior="hs cauchy", theta.ss.hs.cauchy))
rep.hs.cauchy.mse.data = transform(rep.hs.cauchy.mse.data, 
                                   N=as.factor(N), q.pct=as.factor(q.dn), 
                                   A=as.factor(A), prior=as.factor(prior)) 

3.2 Results

Finally, we combine the results for both models to produce a table (in order to get the xtabs table to render properly, the development version of pander on Github needed to be installed):

rep.mse.data = rbind(rep.hs.cauchy.mse.data, 

rep.mse.table = tabular((N*q.pct*A*(Heading()*SSE.median.mean))*Heading()*identity ~ prior, 
Hmisc::html(rep.mse.table, file=stdout())
N q.pct A hs cauchy hs+ cauchy hs unif hs+ unif
100 0.01 7 1.314 1.368 1.609 2.011
    8 1.098 1.234 1.472 2.647
  0.05 7 7.549 8.462 8.641 9.264
    8 7.114 7.651 7.956 7.900
  0.1 7 16.715 16.123 18.376 17.168
    8 14.987 15.887 16.555 15.736
  0.2 7 33.987 29.543 32.899 30.138
    8 35.915 33.156 35.082 32.673
  0.3 7 53.803 46.433 47.494 46.454
    8 52.134 43.402 44.827 41.851
200 0.01 7 2.915 3.703 3.517 4.876
    8 2.478 3.577 2.967 3.891
  0.05 7 15.518 16.202 16.415 17.118
    8 14.548 14.184 15.576 16.601
  0.1 7 32.430 28.922 33.947 33.575
    8 33.731 31.449 35.618 33.206
  0.2 7 73.370 63.879 71.546 64.799
    8 67.801 57.716 65.871 61.394
  0.3 7 105.259 89.753 94.581 85.955
    8 103.900 88.112 105.055 84.512

  1. “Dirichlet-Laplace priors for optimal shrinkage”, Anirban Bhattacharya, Debdeep Pati, Natesh S. Pillai, David B. Dunson